News and Updates



July 22nd results from open show uploaded here
April 9th judge critique from open show uploaded here
April 6th photographs from open show uploaded here
April 1st results from open show uploaded here
March 2nd details of the proposed walk with dogs posted on Events page
january 28th (dog) judge critique from Championship show uploaded here
November 25th (bitch) judge critique from Championship show uploaded here
November 22nd results and class photos from champ show uploaded here
November 20th results and main photos from champ show uploaded here
October 2nd judges critique from July Open show uploaded here
August 12th details of the planned walk with shelties on Nov 5th uploaded to events page here
August 5th photographs from the open show uploaded here
30th july results from open show uploaded here
21st April judges critique from Championship show uploaded here
30th March results and photos from show open show uploaded here
18thDecember judges critique from Championship show uploaded here
23rd November photos from Championship show uploaded here
20th November results from Championship show uploaded here
31st August judges critique from the open show uploaded to web site here
7th August class and main photographs from the openshow uploaded to the web site here
1st Aug class results from the openshow uploaded to the web site here
26th June updated details and application for for B.A.D. 2022 uploaded here
22nd April details and application for for B.A.D. 2022 uploaded
13th April judges critique from March 2022 open show now uploaded here
6th April photos from the openshow uploaded to the web site here
29th March 2022 class results from the openshow uploaded to the web site here
4th January 2022 Dog critique from Nov 2021 champ show now uploaded
8th December 2021 Bitch critique from Nov 2021 champ show now uploaded
3rd December 2021 Class photos from the Nov 2021champ show uploaded to the web site here
23rd November 2021 Results and main photos from the show uploaded to the web site here
23rd August 2021 Planned 'fun' Agility Day for September 5th cancelled due to lack of interest
5th August 2021 some of the photos from the August 2021 open show uploaded here
1st August 2021 class results from the August 2021 open show uploaded to the web site here.
24th July2021 Updated details of Agility Fun Day on September 5th and application form uploaded here
23rd July 2021 judges critique for bitches at 2021 Championship Show now uploaded
21st July 2021 judges critique for dogs at 2021 Championship Show now uploaded
1st July 2021 photos from the 2021 Championship show uploaded here
26th June 2021 class results from the 2021 champ show uploaded to the web site here. Photos to follow asap



16thJune 2021


Despite the postponement of 'freedom day' to 19th July, our chamionship show WILL go ahead, observing the Covid measures detailed in the schedule. So Hands - Face - Space. Please use common sense and observe social distancing. Face masks must be worn in the ring at all times, unless exempt. Have your Track & Trace form ready for collection on arrival. Remember to bring your own chairs. The committee and judges will be taking every precaution with regard to sanitising.

16th May 2021 Details of Agility Fun Day on September 5th uploaded here
1st May 2021 Covid restrictions for June championship show uploaded here
18th April 2021 The committee have decided to conduct the club AGM's for 2020 and 2021 by post
March 2021 Club judging lists updated
5th Dec 2020 Club judging lists updated
2nd Aug 2020 We have been advised by our treasurer that quite a few members have not yet paid their 2020 subs, due on 1st January 2020.We appreciate most people pay with their show entries and of course we've had no shows, but the Club still needs subs to survive. You may care to send by bank transfer, easier than a cheque. Please e-mail our treasurer, Valerie Marshall for our bank details etc. Many thanks."
14th April 2020 In view of the continued uncertainty in relation to Government restrictions to combat the pandemic, we have reluctantly taken the decision to cancel the open show which was scheduled for 19th July 2020
18th March 2020 Any exhibitors who have sent an entry for the cancelled open show on 22nd March and wish to have a refund of their entry fee click here for instructions
16th March 2020 In light of the current government guidelines concerning the coronavirus we have sadly no alternative but to cancel the forthcoming open show on Sunday March 22nd. which means that, for the time being the AGM has been postponed.
22nd Jan 2020 Updated the names of the new committee members to the site here
20th Jan 2020 Schedules are now available on line with Fosse Data or by post from Sheila Stock our show secretary, for our Open Show to be held on Sunday, 22nd March, the show will be held at The Millennium Centre at Red Lodge, Suffolk. IP28 8TT, Judge Afke Bruijn. Entries close on line at midnight on 1stMarch, by first class post on 24th Feb 2020.
19th Jan 2020 2020 AGM notice now uploaded to site and available for download
15th Jan 2020 Judges list has now been updated
11th Dec 2019 judges critique for bitches at 2019 Championship Show now uploaded
20th Nov 2019 judges critique for dogs at 2019 Championship Show now uploaded
18th Nov 2019 Photos of our 2019 Championship Show now uploaded (Thanks to Lana)
17th Nov 2019 Results of our 2019 Championship Show now uploaded
24th Oct 2019 urgent announcement and plea for help from our committee see here.
5th August 2019 judges critique for our July 2019 open show uploaded to web site.
22nd July 2019 Photographs from the Summer Open Show Uploaded to site.
21st July 2019 Results from the Summer Open Show Uploaded to site. Photographs to follow soon
19th May 2019 judges critique for our March 2019 open show uploaded to web site.
2nd May 2019 Schedules are now available on line with Fosse Data or by post from Mary Bathurst our secretary, for our Open Show to be held on Sunday, 21st July, the show will be held at The Millennium Centre at Red Lodge, Suffolk. IP28 8TT, Judge Leanda Forbes (Degallo). Entries close on line at midnight on 7th July, by post on 1st July.
25th March 2019 Results and photographs from Spring Open show now uploaded to site
7th March 2019 2019 AGM agenda and minutes of 2018 AGM now uploaded to site and available for download
23rd Feb 2019 Judges list has now been updated
13th Jan 2019 2019 AGM notice now uploaded to site and available for download
3rd Jan 2019 judges critique for bitches from our Nov 2018 Championship show now uploaded
26th Nov 2018 judges critique for dogs from our Nov 2018 Championship show now uploaded
23rd Nov 2018 Results and Photographs of our 2018 Championship Show now uploaded
23rd Nov 2018 New entry on puppy register
1st Aug 2018 judges critique from July 21st Open show now uploaded
28th July 2018 Photos from our 2018 Summer Open Show now uploaded
21st July 2018 Results of our 2018 Summer Open Show now uploaded, photographs to follow
26th April 2018 Judges list has now been updated
8th April 2018 click for critique from March 25th Open show now uiploaded
29th Mar 2018 Photographs from our 2018 Spring Open Show now uploaded
25th Mar 2018 Results of our 2018 Spring Open Show now uploaded, photographs to follow
16th Jan 2018 2018 AGM notice now uploaded to site and available for download
15th Jan 2018 Schedules are now available on line with Fosse Data or by post from Mary Bathurst our secretary, for our Open Show to be held on Sunday, 25th March, Judge Karen Durant (Neraklee). This will be the first show at our new venue, The Millennium Centre at Red Lodge, Suffolk. The postcode is IP28 8TT, not IP29 as on the schedule! Entries close on line at midnight on 4th March, by post on 26th February. Also there will be no need to bring chairs as there are plenty in the hall. Regarding catering, we will have 'help yourself' tea and coffee, 50p per cup all day. We hope to have bacon rolls for sale in the hall first thing, supplied by the pub attached to the hall. Closer to the time it would be useful to know how many people wish to avail themselves of a bacon roll! Further refreshments will be available in the pub which has an extensive menu. We do hope you will all support this show at the new venue.
4th Jan 2018 Judges list has now been updated
12th Dec 2017Judges critique from 2017 Championship Show now uploaded
30 Nov 2017 Judges list has now been updated
30 Nov 2017 Results and Photographs of our 2017 Championship Show now uploaded
7th Nov2017 2017 Championship Show 19 November. The Committee is pleased to announce that the show will be held in the new Leisure Centre at Littleport, but since this is a new venue we thought it appropriate to advise attendees about parking, venue access and one or two other aspects regarding the new centre. The new Leisure Centre is accessed in the same way off Camel Road, Littleport, CB6 1EW, but it is positioned about 100m to the rear of the old facility (which is currently being demolished). The official car park remains as previously adjacent to the old building, although there are some Blue Badge parking bays closer to the new centre. Whilst there appears to be room to park some vehicles closer we have presently been advised that this is not permitted, but that this space can at weekends be used for drop off/collection purposes only. We will be grateful for exhibitors' co-operation, after using the drop-off facility that they return their vehicle(s) to the official car park. Parking should be a one-time inconvenience as the new car park to be built on the area of the old hall will be available next year. We shall continue to liaise with Littleport Leisure Centre staff and will issue further updates if appropriate. Access to the Show Hall for dogs, cages and trollies etc. is only to be made around the right hand corner of the new building (not though the main entrance) and then into the hall via the third door on the left. Dogs are not permitted in any other part of the Littleport Leisure Centre. The new hall is smaller than the old hall, meaning space is likely to be tight, but it is brighter and seems to be warmer. Rubber matting strips will be used in the rings - they will be taped to each other where they overlap but not taped to the floor, and so extra care is advised when walking in and around the rings. The centre has yet to replace the chairs that were stolen from the old hall and as numbers are limited please bring you own chairs if possible. As stated on the schedule, doors open at 8.30am. Bitch judging will commence at 9.30am followed by Dogs at 10am. Refreshments are again available from Littleport Leisure Centre - they are offering a similar sort of menu (but no carvery) and the bar/cafe/eating area is on the ground floor directly opposite the show hall. Toilet facilities are also on the ground floor between the main entrance and the show hall. We hope you enjoy the show and do please support our raffle.
29 Sep 2017 We are considering putting on 3 Special Classes (as suggested by the Kennel Club) during lunchtime at our Championship Show 2018 (next year). These classes will be judged by a novice judge wishing to gain experience. If you would like to be considered for this appointment please apply with your details to Secretary, Mary Bathurst, e-mail
16 Aug 2017 Judges report added to 2017 Summer Open Show results page
07 Aug 2017 Results and Photographs of our 2017 Summer Open Show now uploaded
15 May 2017 Schedules for the 2017 Spring Show have now been posted out to members. Schedules are available from the Secretary and can also be downloaded from Fossedata
25 Jan 2017 Schedules for the 2017 Spring Show have now been posted out to members. Schedules can also be downloaded from Fossedata. In addition to the usual Littleport Leisure Centre catering menu there will be a Carvery available at lunchtime on Sunday 26 March, however advanced booking with the centre is required - please call 01353 860600 to book your Carvery. Please also be aware that Construction work continues in the car park area but again alternative parking space will be available.
09/11/2016 Please be aware that new construction works have begun at the Littleport Leisure Centre which is currently affecting a portion of the car park. The centre has advised that alternative parking areas are available and there will be appropriate signage directing traffic to these areas. The interior of the centre is not affected and all the usual facilities (catering and toilets) should be available as normal. And a couple of gentle requests from the Committee: a. All dog cages should be clearly marked with the owners name(s) and their dogs exhibit numbers, and b. No dog under the age of 4 months (on 20 Nov 16) may be brought into the show. Should anyone wish to bring an eligible (Shetland Sheepdogs only) dog or puppy that has not been formally entered as NFC they must register them with the Secretary as spectator dogs, (and pay the appropriate fee (£1 per dog)).  
  STOP PRESS - Owing to theft from the Littleport Leisure Centre the number of chairs is now extremely limited and the majority of those remaining will be required as ring boundaries - therefore you are kindly requested to bring your own chairs to all future shows.



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